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Discovering Music in 2009: The New Tools

Gizmodo – MTV doesn’t play music videos. Magazines are dying. Radio is all about the $$$. It’s no secret the old modes of music discovery have been thrown out the window. Thankfully, new music-finders are here:

I think anyone reading this understands that the internet is the new trading post for artists, listeners, critics and salesmen. It’s impossible to avoid some of the marketing campaigns carried out on MySpace and YouTube, but mostly music’s move to the internet gives listeners more power to develop their own tastes, for better or for worse. You can turn to MP3 stores, recommendation services, internet radio and podcasts, MySpace—and even personal music blogs and forums that’ll help you “sample” pirated music. Here’s my take on each method of discovery and the relevance it has to listeners:

The Pandoras, Rhapsodys and Last.fms of the world are nice, because they do most of the discovery work for you, without pushing some corporate agenda on you behind the scenes (…ahem…Clear Channel). Even better, these services cater their first song selections around your initially revealed tastes, and as you give the software feedback as to what you like and don’t like, they continue to refine and improve their artist recommendations. Zune’s Mixview also provides a similar service, visually recommending similar artists and songs to those already in your library.
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But my problem with a service like this is that you don’t necessarily get music that’s really new or groundbreaking. Sure, it might be new or exciting to the casual music fan, or just someone who spends all their time listening to these services, but for the true junkie—okay, maybe “music snob”—it’s hard to really be wowed by any of these services. We’ve seen and heard most of it before.

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The Verizon Hub Widget Phone Just Got a Lot More Exciting

Gizmodo – I’m reviewing the somewhat anachronistic Verizon Hub connected phone. Now that I’ve seen its future—an open platform built on Linux with sleek hardware from this decade, like capacitive touchscreens—it’s way more exciting.

The Hub isn’t going to be a single, one-off device—there’s going to be a lot of different hardware running it—which alone makes the proposition much more interesting, since platforms by definition are extensible, flexible and more likely to benefit from active development. In other words, it can and will get better over time.

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Putting Twitter’s World to Use

New York Times – The first reaction many people have to Twitter is befuddlement. Why would they want to read short messages about what someone ate for breakfast?

It’s a reasonable question. Twitter unleashes the diarist in its 14 million users, who visited its site 99 million times last month to read posts tapped out with cellphones and computers.

Individually, many of those 140-character “tweets” seem inane.

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Companies like Starbucks, Whole Foods and Dell can see what their customers are thinking as they use a product, and the companies can adapt their marketing accordingly. Last week in Moldova, protesters used Twitter as a rallying tool while outsiders peered at their tweets to help them understand what was happening in that little-known country.

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Silicon Valley CEOs describe bleak job market

SFGate – A survey of Silicon Valley CEOs says more than 4 in 10 companies cut jobs last year in a dour reading of the region’s business health.

The survey of 148 companies was done by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group in advance of the Business Climate Summit it will hold Friday in Santa Clara.

About 150 people, including California legislative leaders, are expected at the event.

The 2009 survey, the sixth in a series, reflects a bleak job market.
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Nearly 42 percent of the companies surveyed said they have cut jobs since January 2008. In similar surveys conducted in each of the past three years, that same figure has averaged 12 percent.

Only half as many employers said they added jobs in 2008 compared with previous surveys that looked back at hiring in 2007 and 2006.

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State wants to pull plug on energy-guzzling TVs

SFGate – California state regulators, who have limited automobile emissions and required large utilities to increase use of renewable energy, now are taking aim at a ubiquitous household item – the television.

Consumer demand for bigger, flatter and fancier TVs has dramatically increased the amount of energy needed to watch the tube, officials say. The California Energy Commission says a 42-inch plasma television uses more energy than a large refrigerator.

To reduce the electrical draw from TVs, the commission has proposed the nation’s first mandatory energy limits on televisions – limits that many large LCD and plasma TVs on the market do not meet.
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“We want to get rid of energy-guzzling televisions,” said Adam Gottlieb, spokesman for the state energy commission.

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