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Month: June 2009 (Page 2 of 5)

PhonePoint Pen application is a hand-talkers’ dream come true

Engadget – Know someone who talks with their hands so expressively that you have to step back or risk catching a wayward exclamation point in the face? The video after the break will make their day. Students at Duke University have come up with a way to use phone accelerometers to capture gestures with surprising precision, allowing them to pipe those motions through a character recognition algorithm and, hey presto, turn flapping hands into letters and numbers. If palpitation persists for a longer time even after viagra store check these guys out taking the payment. The natural remedies improve viagra online the sexual function in men. They can do a actor things during the day but they still have the energy to play as much as check it right here now levitra without rx you did in your youth. This medicine, used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), tends to relax the body muscles and boost blood flow into the male organ. tadalafil side effects The prototype app is called PhonePoint Pen, and while right now the process looks painfully slow, with large, precise motions required, with a few months or years of refinements you might just be able to jot down a quick text to a friend while running between terminals, all without putting down the double latte that just cost you $8 at the airport food court. The future, dear readers, it’s closer than you think.

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Unplug For Greater Productivity

Lifehack – We’ve all experienced those days when we sat down at our desk with a long list of things to do, and yet somehow hours later we realize that we haven’t done much, aside from checking our emails 5 times, spending hours at, and instant messaging everyone we know. For those days, when you can’t seem to beat the buzz, the greatest possible way you can ensure productivity is to disconnect from the electronics.
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The Smartphone Forecast for 2009

PCWorld – We’re in the midst of the busiest, most exciting time for smartphones right now–and there’s plenty more to come.

The Palm Pre and the Apple iPhone 3G S are the smartphone standouts of 2009, but they’re not the only news. Operating systems are receiving updates, new devices are debuting, and app stores are growing by the day. Here’s what to look for from the six big operating systems in smartphones today.
Apple iPhone OS 3.0 iPhone 3G S
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The 10 Dumbest Tech Products So Far

PVWorld – Awful wearable PCs, gaming systems that made you sick, free handhelds no one would take, and more. What’ll they think of next? Why, Oh, Why Were These Tech Gadgets Made?

New Coke. Chia pets. Ashton Kutcher. All are bad ideas that should have been snuffed out before they emerged into public consciousness. All are things that make you scratch your head and say, “What in God’s name were they thinking?”

Unfortunately, the tech world is full of such ungainly monstrosities, from wireless displays that cost more than entire computers, to nausea-inducing game systems, and on to singing deer heads. We’ve dived into the Dumpster of tech history and returned to the surface clutching the worst of the worst–so far.
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Join us as we count down 10 pieces of benighted technology that should never have seen the light of day.

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