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Month: March 2009 (Page 4 of 11)

The Case for Online Word Processors

Lifehack – It’s no secret I am a fan of online word processors — computing in the cloud is just the thing for a guy like me who (I’m told) is apt to find his head in the clouds as well. I’m writing this on Google Docs, and have made no secret of my love for Adobe’s Buzzword (which unfortunately seems to have some issues on the computer I’m using right now). Zoho Writer has gotten a little use from me as well.

I was recently asked what the big deal was — why should anyone go online when there’s a perfectly good copy of Office, Works, WordPerfect,, Pages, WordPad, LaTeX, AbiWord, KDocs, or any of a multitude of other powerful, effective, and highly usable word processors available from the desktop? What advantage could a feature-limited online word processor possibly offer.

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Five Dollar Programming Words – I’ve been a longtime fan of Eric Lippert’s blog. And one of my favorite (albeit short-lived) post series was his Five Dollar Words for Programmers. Although I’ve sometimes been accused of being too wordy, I find that learning the right word to describe something you’re doing is a small step on the road towards understanding and eventual mastery.

Why are these words worth five dollars? They’re uncommon words that have a unique and specialized meaning in software development. They are a bit off the beaten path. Words you don’t hear often, but also words that provide the thrill of discovery, that “aha” moment as you realize a certain programming concept you knew only through experimentation and intuition has a name.

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Firefox May Already Be Dead

PCWorld – This is an exciting time for Web browsers. Google Chrome is now available in alpha for Linux, and I downloaded it for Ubuntu. Despite the fact that I was running it on my rather underpowered Dell Mini 9, it started in the blink of an eye. Additionally, any JavaScript-heavy sites like Gmail or Google Docs were so responsive that it’s almost unbelievable.

Does that sound familiar? That’s right. It’s just like how Firefox used to be.

Run Chrome and Firefox side-by-side, and Firefox is embarrassingly slow. It’s not even in the same league. It’s an old man on the running track trying to compete against a sprightly 20 year-old.
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I think Firefox has lost the plot. This is a British phrase, and I’m not sure it’s used widely in the US, so perhaps it requires some explanation. But it’s not hard to work out. It implies a blind dedication to something questionable. If a car owner becomes obsessed with tricking out his vehicle, to the extent of wiping out his kids’ college fund to raise the cash, then he might be described as losing the plot. Yeah, he’s admirably determined, and the car does look very cool. But he’s lost all concept of what’s actually important.

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People Search Engines: They Know Your Dark Secrets…And Tell Anyone

PCWorld – [Editor’s note: While researching this story, JR Raphael discovered the Coldplay radio station I created on Pandora on August 13, 2006; found that I had looked into purchasing a 4-foot iPod-compatible 3.5mm audio cable in October of 2007; and sleuthed out what my StumbleUpon user name is.Though only my musical taste was mildly incriminating, it was freaky to see what details popped up. (Do I want my hipster friends to know that I like Chris Martin and his melodic cohorts?) Read on to find out how deep these searches can go.]

Spy EyesI know things about my lawyer I absolutely should not know. He’s 55 years old, listens to the music of the band Creed, and screams like a little girl when riding roller coasters. He also relaxes with New Age spa treatments and is thinking about getting an electronic nose hair trimmer. And that’s just the start.

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First Look: The New Mobile Firefox Browser

PCWorld – Mozilla yesterday put out its first beta release of Fennec, the mobile version of its Firefox browser. I took a quick look at Firefox’s little sibling, and I have to say Fennec is a very impressive and easy to use browser that maximizes your small screen space.

Fennec uses touch screen features like zooming, panning and scrolling. It also embraces a lot of features you’d expect in a mobile Firefox, including the ability to download add-ons, the awesome bar, easy bookmark management, and even about:config access for power customization. Mozilla has even put TraceMonkey in Fennec, the same JavaScript engine found in Firefox 3.1, to speed up your browsing experience. Here are some more of highlights you can expect with Fennec.
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