TechDirt – It’s been well over five years since we first heard about a plan in Oregon to attach GPS devices to cars and tax drivers based on how much they drove and the idea hasn’t become any better in the intervening years… but apparently it’s still being pushed. Against Monopoly points us to the latest report that Oregon’s Governor is trying to move forward with the plan. One of the reasons behind the bill has nothing to do with a more efficient way to tax drivers, but because the state is gaining less revenue from its gas tax since there are more fuel efficient cars on the roads these days. The low price is useful for buy cheap cialis many who are not insured. In generico levitra on line addition, herbal products are very safe to the health. All procedures are done by laparoscopic discount buy viagra or key hole surgery. So, if you want to avoid the chances of these mingling of the sperm buy viagra in uk and eggs is also known as contraceptive pills. Of course, rather than reward drivers for driving more fuel efficient cars, this sort of tax punishes them, and actually encourages the use of less fuel efficient vehicles. And, of course, that doesn’t even begin to get into the potential (and likely) privacy problems brought about by any system whereby the government has full access to a GPS system on your car.
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