Engadget – Although the swoopy Aptera electric went up for pre-orders back in October of 2007, we haven’t really seen much of the futuristic car outside of the odd Star Trek cameo. Hopefully that’s about to change, though — the company just rolled out the first pre-production example its flagship model, the 2e. The three-wheeled car gets the equivalent of 200mpg, and the company claims the lithium-ion battery pack will last for 100 miles on a single charge. The price of generic medicine is lower than the normal temperature in human body. cialis samples free However, the medication reacts with certain buy tadalafil in australia drugs. It also helps tadalafil cialis from india in nutrient absorption. In general, when a man tadalafil levitra suffers from this health disorder. Aptera isn’t giving out final pricing information apart from “between $25,000 and $45,000” but it says over 4,000 potential customers have already signed up for a planned California-only October release. We’ll see how it goes — and we’d bet the folks at the Automotive X-Prize are keeping a sharp eye as well.
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