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Month: December 2008 (Page 3 of 7)

The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals

Wired – How’s this for some technological wizardry? Take a $350 netbook and turn it into a $1,500 device without changing anything inside.

That’s exactly what Acer, RadioShack and AT&T have done with their latest netbook offer. On Friday, the trio said they will offer a netbook for $100 upfront — but with a $60 per month, two-year data contract on AT&T. Over the two years of the contract, that adds up to a total of $1,540, or more than four times the list price of the netbook alone.

With the move Acer became the first company to bring a netbook on contract to the U.S. The offer is modeled on how most cellphones are currently sold, and follows similar netbooks-on-contract offers overseas.
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“It is interesting move,” says Bob O’Donnell, a vice president with research firm IDC, “but it won’t make a huge dent in the marketplace right away. “The price points they are available today are way too high for most people.”

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First-Ever Photo of Liquid on Extraterrestrial World

Wired – The Huygens probe has captured an image of what may be the first drop of liquid ever observed on an extraterrestrial surface.

The photo is evidence that liquids may exist on the surface of other planets and moons, not just frozen lakes. And liquid is more likely habitat for extraterrestrial life.

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Sony’s New Walkman to Feature OLED Touchscreen and Wi-Fi?

Gizmodo – Sony has plans to unveil its first touchscreen Walkman at CES, coming in both 16GB and 32GB varieties, and the early word has it looking pretty slick: OLED touchscreen, anyone?

Yes, the rumor has it that the new Walkman will feature a 3-inch OLED touchscreen. It sounds like a direct competitor to the iPod Touch, as it supports Wi-Fi and will have a built-in browser, as well as a bunch of other web-based features.

While most of the usual menu structure of the current Walkman series will be retained in this new model, there are several new exciting features included. For example, upon listening to an artist, you may click on the artist name and watch music videos of the artist on YouTube through Wi-Fi (WPA and WEP support included). Additionally, there will be a Youtube icon on the main screen that will allow full access to the website – search, pause, FF/RW included very similar to Youtube access on the iPhone/iTouch. Additionally, this new Walkman will be able to subscribe to audio podcast and Crackle video feeds; this means automatic download of new updates, the ability to delete old feed content, all over Wi-Fi.
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Interesting! If this is true, and the OS and touchscreen is usable and responsive, we might have a strong competitor to the Touch. We’ll find out soon enough, as CES is less than a month away.

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Fingerprinting a Bullet the Bond Way

Gizmodo – Well, the John Bond way that is. Bond, the head of forensics at the Northamptonshire Police in the UK, has devised a way to fingerprint bullets with electricity.

He discovered that the extreme heat that occurs when firing a gun causes salt from a fingerprint to slightly corrode the casing. By zapping it with electricity he can detect these prints years after the shots were fired. In fact, Bond was recently able to identify prints on four shells from a 1999 crime scene in Georgia and his method is now in high demand. The hope is that hundreds if not thousands of cold cases could be re-opened and solved thanks to this technology.
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The Ecofont Cuts Ink Consumption by 20%

Gizmodo – The creators of Ecofont want to save you ink by drilling tiny holes in your print. Good idea?

Well, while it’s free to download and use, Treehugger’s testing found that the Ecofont, though readable, really just prints the text lighter. In our guesstimation, you could probably recreate the ink savings of Ecofont by printing your materials in draft mode instead. Plus, that way you can choose the whichever font you like.

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