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The Seedy Future of Gadget Porn

valleywag – Attendance at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, the annual gadgetfest in Las Vegas, is down 25 percent from 2007, with 130,000 expected to attend. Are we just not that into tech toys anymore?

Actually, we are — but the thrill is gone.

The two biggest attractions at the show — Microsoft Steve Ballmer’s demo of Windows 7 and Palm’s Pre smartphone — are more apologies than anything, mea culpas for the subpar products they replaced. There are, as always, gee-whiz products that will likely never hit the mass market, like Dick Tracy-style watches and games where you control a ball with your mind.
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For the past decade, gadget porn — media which seductively presents the latest gear — has been a growth industry. When Wired first started showcasing gadgets as erotically charged objects of desire in the ’90s, not for nothing was the section called “Fetish.” (The love affair sometimes went hilariously wrong.)

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MLB Supercharges Mouseless Browsing

lifehacker – Firefox only (Windows/Mac/Linux): Firefox extension Mouseless Browsing (MLB) adds numbers next to clickable elements on any page, allowing you to quickly navigate to any portion of the page from the comfort of your home row.

We’ve mentioned MLB once before, but the latest version adds support for dynamic webapps like Gmail, Google Reader, or Facebook. (Previously if a page was updated without reloading entirely, the new links were not identified by MLB. Now they are.) Aside from support for dynamic apps, MLB has seen several improvements since we first mentioned it. The core functionality remains the same, though: Just type the number of the element you want to jump to, hit enter, and MLB “clicks” on that element.
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Windows 7 Beta Available as Free Download on Friday

lifehacker – Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced at CES today that Windows 7—the highly anticipated followup to Windows Vista—will be available as a free, public download on Friday, January 9. Windows 7 Beta has been It inhibits free viagra india the PDE-5 enzyme and thus, enables better, smoother blood flow into the penile tissues and arteries which makes the erection possible for longer time and makes one potent during foreplay. On the partner’s side, this pushes the partner to icks.org buy levitra feel left out, depressed and sour in the relationship too. Generally, it is directed to take one pill in a day, crossing the limit beyond than that may found cialis prescriptions harmful for the health. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a serious lung disease characterized by gradual airflow tadalafil overnight delivery limitation in the lungs. out in the wild (i.e., BitTorrent) since December, but if you’ve been waiting for things to get a little more legit before you tried it out, you won’t have to wait much longer.

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Boost Performance by Checking IDE Drive Transfer Mode

lifehacker – If you’re struggling with decreased performance on a Windows based machine, it’s a simple fix to check to make sure your IDE drives aren’t operating in a slower, ineffective transfer mode.

When fresh from the box—or your workbench— your computer should have had all it’s IDE drives set in Direct Memory Access mode. This is a far speedier method of disk access than Programmed Input/Output mode. The technical side of the two modes is dense but let it suffice: DMA is a the fast and preferred method and PIO mode is the slower method Windows defaults to after having six redundancy checks fail. Things like power outages, doing a hard reset and other disk interruptions can cause these errors. Your Windows box may be operating in the slower transfer mode because mistakenly thinks that your system is unstable or that there is something wrong with your disks. The fix for your computer downshifting into PIO mode is simple. Go to your Control Panel, click on the System icon, open up your Device Manager and pull up the properties for your Primary and Secondary IDE channels. Under the Advanced settings tab you’ll be able to set the Transfer Mode to “DMA if available”. Reboot and you should be in business. MakeUseOf has a full step by step guide with screenshots if you’d like a visual reference.
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7 Apple Products That Would Have Been Cool

PCWorld – Apple’s Phil Schiller put on a triumphal snoozefest in his Macworld 2009 keynote. Here are seven cool product concepts we would have loved to see him announce.

iPhone Nano

In the weeks running up to this year’s Macworld Expo, as we’ve done before every previous Macworld, we were tracking a dozen or so hot rumors of new products that Jobs and company might unveil on the big stage.

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Here are seven of the most enticing nonexistent Apple gadgets we wish Schiller had announced. Though we never put much stock in the rumors, the buzz about a possible miniature iPhone (which many hopeful observers called the “iPhone Nano”) has been pretty hard to ignore. Japanese design company Information Architects took time out to visualize what such a device might look like–and even went a step further, adding a Shuffle version of the handset that would turn your daily communications into a game of roulette.

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