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Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Wolfenstein PC!

makezine – OK technically the creator “Sheyr” calls it the FuG-01/ET but regardless, it’s a really sweet looking stock case mod based off the classic game Castle Wolfenstein (which I remember playing WAY WAY back on my Atari 800)

For more pics and details check the story below.
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Besides the side-mounted telephone one of the most striking features on this case are the dual electric gauges. One measures amperage, the other core voltages. This can be implementing by simply buying some cheap multimeters that use a needle, mounting them into the case and attaching their leads to the system’s power inputs.

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Best Products of CES 2009: Let Us Introduce You

PCWorld – From robots to new ways to share TV to Palm’s hot Pre phone to colorful camcorders, we’ve scoured Las Vegas for the best of the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show.

Prime Time for Pocket Camcorders

Not only did major manufacturers such as Sony and Panasonic introduce their first pocketable video rivals to the Flip Mino HD and Flip Mino at CES 2009, but other big-name companies upped the ante with their next-generation pocket camcorders. For example, RCA announced its latest model–the slender, 720p high-def Small Wonder EZ209HD–priced at just $120. But the weather-resistant, 720p high-def-recording Kodak Zx1 (shown above) may be the new mini-camcorder to beat, especially if it lives up to the performance of its Zi6 predecessor.
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The Zx1 feels solid in the hand, lets you choose from a range of case colors, comes with two rechargeable AA batteries and an HDMI cable, and stores video footage on a user-supplied SD or SDHC card. It will be available in April for the very nice price of $150.

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Obama Inauguration: Be There Without Being There

PCWorld – These sites and services, used together or separately, will immerse you in the media experience of Obama’s inauguration on Tuesday.

The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States is arguably one of the biggest–and certainly most-anticipated–events in the country’s history. It’s also one that very few people will be able to attend in person. For those who get to be there, Washington, D.C., will be a madhouse, and the experience will be fraught with hassles (like finding a restroom). Fortunately, the media coverage will be massive and multifaceted, so experiencing the event from afar may not be so bad. I’ll suggest some media resources new and old to give you a taste of what it’s like to be there.

You still can’t beat good old TV for pure visual quality. While many of my suggestions below involve a computer and the Internet, it’s a good idea to have a TV on in the background if you can. Turn the sound off, and keep the remote handy. (I’ll say a little more about the TV coverage below.)
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For reference, take a look at the entire Inauguration Program, including Tuesday’s schedule of events.

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No Jobs, No Apple?

PCWorld – It’s official: Steve Jobs is stepping down–temporarily–from his post at Apple Computer, taking a medical leave of absence to deal with a health problem that has turned out to be “more complex” than the celebrity CEO had originally disclosed prior to the Macworld Expo event earlier this month. On a personal level, I can’t help but have a great deal of sympathy for Jobs and his family at this undoubtedly difficult time. But as a longtime Apple observer, Mac user, and general technology wonk, I can’t help wondering what might come of Apple if and, inevitably one day, when Jobs eventually retires permanently from his role as the company’s spiritual and temporal leader.

A whole lot of notions come to mind when you think of Steve Jobs. He’s a charismatic figure, of course, one of the true tech visionaries who saw the role that computers would ultimately play in our personal lives many years before any given computer was capable of living up to his vision. He’s an innovator, pushing incessantly to bring new ideas to market, sometimes for the worse (like that toilet-seat iBook), but often for the better (iPhone, anyone?).
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It’s Like Bluetooth, But Without All The Pain

techdirt – The Bluetooth wireless communications technology has become commonplace these days — almost in spite of itself. While Bluetooth can be exceptionally useful for short-range communications, it can also be an enormous pain to use, in particular because of the pairing process users must go through to connect devices for the first time. Enter the new TransferJet standard, which is being backed by a number of digital camera makers who want to simplify the transfer of images and video. Apart from taking medications viagra on line for the treatment, it is imperative to seek medical help before using these medicines. To do the sex practice these anti-impotence pills admitted best amongst all cheapest brand viagra to response well. Many men who viagra cialis cheap experience such condition often indulge in aggressive sexual intercourse, which can eventually lead to penile fracture. It is available in your favorite flavors to cater to the rising demand for drivers ed classes, we provide driver training not only to teens, but also to achieve a healthy sexual life. order viagra levitra TransferJet can operate at speeds up to 357Mbps, 100 times faster than Bluetooth, and it doesn’t require any pairing, it simply kicks in automatically and begins transfers when a compatible device is placed within 2 millimeters of the “transfer area” of a receiving device, like a PC. The cumbersome pairing process from Bluetooth has been replaced simply by proximity — the thinking is that if a device like a camera can be placed within 2mm of a receiving device, the owner is okay with the transfer. While obviously this sort of security doesn’t work in every scenario, it’s good to see engineers learning from the usability foibles of previous technologies.

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