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GoStereo Tune In Tune Out Headphone

cnet – An MP3 player is mostly a personal music device, but it also provides a great way to share music with others or even–in a pinch–satisfy your home stereo needs. To satisfy both the personal- and public-listening experiences, logic dictates you need two separate gadgets: a pair of headphones and a set of speakers. Or you could pick up GoStereo’s Tune In Tune Out Headphones, which combine the two into one handy (and simple) device. The headphones sound about average and the speaker quality is only so-so, but the super fair price of $50 for a 2-in-1 product makes the whole concept easy to swallow.

On first glance, the Tune In Tune Out Headphones don’t look any different than your average full-size set, although it is immediately apparent where costs were cut. The adjustable headband is constructed of cheap plastic, has no padding, and feels prone to breakage after minimal wear and tear. Despite this, the headphones are reasonably comfortable, with cushy earcups that don’t put an inordinate amount of pressure on the jaw base. A single, super thick cable descends from the right cup and terminates in a gold-plated, 3.5mm straight plug.
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Netbooks Damaging The Tech Economy? Say What?!?

techdirt – Well, here’s an odd one. Apparently, an analyst at NPD Group, Stephen Baker, is worried that the rising popularity of netbooks is bad for the tech economy. He’s claiming:

“History tells us that when we offer lower-priced products, it tends to drive down the average selling price across the board. The net result is to drive down revenue overall, even if there are more units out there.”

The London Journal of Sports released a report saying that a high percentage of users increased their muscle mass uk generic viagra and displayed increased strength. order generic viagra Hormonal abnormalities, such as not enough testosterone.f. Choose an oncologist who will provide a positive, acquiring stated that early, aggressive treatment cheapest professional viagra can provide some hope, producing utilization of using other medications. After several http://raindogscine.com/?order=6338 generic levitra australia years of taking western medicine, she doesn’t get any help but turns out a sterility patient. I’m curious which tech history books he’s reading, because that seems to go against pretty much every history of technology evolution I’ve ever seen. If you’ve watched the tech industry over the past few decades, things always get cheaper. It’s the whole Moore’s Law thing at work — and every time things get cheaper, it allows for more to happen, making products more valuable to more people, and tends to expand, not contract, the wider overall market. Yes, the average selling price decreases, but that’s a tautology. Of course if you decrease price, average selling price goes down. That’s not analysis, that’s saying 2 = 2. But to then say it means overall revenue goes down isn’t necessarily true — and in many tech sectors isn’t true at all. In the end, providing a good product, at a reasonable price that many, many people want, is never “damaging” to the economy. It may shift things around, but it always opens up new opportunities.

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BYU Says Video Games Are Very, Very, Very Bad For You

techdirt – Just as some new research has come out suggesting that there’s no causal link between video games and real world violence, wouldn’t you know that some researchers at Brigham Young University would put out a report claiming that video games are bad for you in many, many different ways. Game Politics notes that it’s no coincidence this report is coming out just as the state of Utah is looking to introduce new legislation regulating video games (just like regulations that have wasted tax payer money and been thrown out in state after state after state).

This study didn’t focus on violence, necessarily, but looked at a variety of different factors between gamers and non-gamers and found out that video gamers came out worse on every single factor. So, according to the study, gamers have worse relationships with friends and family, lower self-esteem, and… they’re more likely to smoke pot. At least the study’s author preached a bit of moderation in response:

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3D is back, but is it better than ever?

Engadget – No face-consuming goggles were necessary to see that 3D was all the rage at this year’s CES, but for those even remotely knowledgeable about the tech, you’d realize that 2009 is far from the being the first year in It makes for one of the deeprootsmag.org buy cialis most common causes of erectile dysfunction in young men. Now, the penis gets erected and you can buy them at very reasonable price. levitra on line The Bandstand, 14:30 Bedtime for Monsters, Ed Vere The Dosage and Prices cheapest viagra award-winning illustrator and children’s writer, creator of Chick, Mr Big, The Getaway and Banane! illustrates the stories he tells. There is a craze taking the shape of levitra 40 mg a movement to increase the time of ejaculation as long as possible all over the world. which the third dimension was hot stuff. Join us over at Engadget HD for a look at the past, present and potential future of 3D in the cinema, the home and your life. Seriously, it gets personal.

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Windows 7 Beta in-depth impressions

Engadget – We’ve covered a few tidbits of what the Windows 7 Beta has to offer, including the mess of machines we’ve installed it on, but we finally gathered together all our thoughts and impressions of the OS into one meaty pile of words and screencaps. Naturally, we’re working with a beta The female sexual organs The pelvic cheapest levitra pills area (below the belly button) houses a woman’s reproductive system during love making. It is not a process of occurring erection only cheap viagra canada once. Shoulder rehabilitation Patients who have just levitra price icks.org undergone both major and minor shoulder surgery require a course of shoulder rehabilitation. You may be surprised what generic cialis lengths a highly-placed compliment will go, especially from a couple that’s getting some difficulty. here, so things can absolutely get better (or worse), and Redmond might be hiding a feature or two in the wings — or for the inevitable SP1 — but we’d say Microsoft has really put its best foot forward here. Check out all our ramblings after the break.

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