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Google Flaw May Turn Your Docs Into a Public Wiki

Wired – If you’re currently sharing spreadsheets, documents or presentations using Google Docs, go double-check the permissions settings of those shared docs right now.

Wired.com has discovered a design flaw in the web app’s user interface that could lead users to mistakenly open up their docs to editing by anybody on the internet.

Funny thing is, we found out about it the hard way.

A co-worker of mine discovered Wednesday morning that the Wired Tech Layoff Tracker, a spreadsheet we’re sharing with all of you using Google’s free service, had been changed. The name of the reader who had edited the doc wasn’t known to my co-worker, and he certainly hadn’t knowingly given edit permissions to anyone outside Wired.com.
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Thankfully, our hacker was a benevolent fellow who immediately notified us he had been able to edit our shared document. Thanks to him, we were able to correct the exploit before anyone else could fiddle with our spreadsheet.

The problem stems from a confusing bit of interface design in Google Docs.

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Seeing Red: Tweak Your Brain With Colors

Wired – For an all-natural brain boost, skip the pills and hit the colors.

In the latest and most authoritative study on color’s cognitive effects, test subjects given attention-demanding tasks did best when primed with the color red. Asked to be creative, they responded best to blue.

“Color enhances performance,” said study co-author Juliet Zhu, a University of British Columbia psychologist.

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“Think about red, and what comes to mind: stop lights, stop signs, danger, ambulances,” said Zhu. “People want to avoid those things, and that’s why they do better on detail-oriented tasks.”

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TED: MIT Students Turn Internet Into a Sixth Human Sense — Video

Wired – LONG BEACH, California — Students at the MIT Media Lab have developed a wearable computing system that turns any surface into an interactive display screen. The wearer can summon virtual gadgets and internet data at will, then dispel them like smoke when they’re done.

Pattie Maes of the lab’s Fluid Interfaces group said the research is aimed at creating a new digital “sixth sense” for humans.

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Apple’s Snow Leopard Will Triangulate a Mac’s Location

Wired – A Mac running Apple’s next operating system will inherit pseudo-GPS powers, software developers say.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard will utilize a Mac’s networking hardware to triangulate an approximate latitude and longitude of the computer, according to developers tinkering with pre-release builds of the OS.

The OS contains a framework called CoreLocation — the same one used in the original iPhone to estimate a device’s location with triangulation.
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News of a location-based feature in OS X comes at good timing, as geo-aware social services are becoming increasingly popular. For example, the iPhone application Loopt allows users to share their locations on a map. Google also recently launched a map-sharing feature on Google Maps called Latitude.

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Google Latitude Service Lets You Track Your Friends: How It Works

PCWorld – Google latitude lets you track and be trackedDo you know where your friends are? If not, Google wants to help you find them. Today, Google introduced Latitude, a new opt-in feature that lets smartphone and laptop users share their location with friends and allows those friends to share their locations in return. Although not pinpoint accurate, Latitude can display your general location based on information from GPS satellites and cell towers. Latitude works on both mobile devices and personal computers.

What Latitude can do:

Once you and your friends have opted in to Latitude, you can see your friends’ Google icon displayed on Google Maps. Clicking on their icon allows you to call, email or IM them, and you can even use the directions feature on Google Maps to help you get to their location.

Google says Latitude works in 27 countries and with many mobile platforms including iGoogle with your computer. The list of compatible phones are:

*Android-powered devices, such as the T-Mobile G1

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