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Digital TV Switch Coming Today for Many, Despite Delay

PCWorld – Hundreds of broadcast stations will switch to digital on the original February 17 deadline. That means millions of Americans with analog TVs may see only snow on their favorite channels come Tuesday. Nearly 500 stations say they intend to switch to digital broadcasts that day, despite a recent Congressional vote to delay the transition until June 12.

The legislation allows TV stations to decide when to make the switch, and hundreds are choosing to do it right away. Local broadcasters won the loophole after successfully arguing that a mandatory postponement would force them to operate both digital and analog equipment, thereby adding greatly to their power and maintenance costs.

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Next-Gen Cell Phone Stars Shine in Barcelona

PCWorld – They’re thinner, smarter, more multimedia-savvy and customizable than ever. Many of the phones unveiled this week at Mobile World Congress are touch-enabled, too—but will any give the iPhone a run for its money? We’ll want to touch them first, but in the meantime it’s fun to window-shop.

Samsung’s Green Blue Earth Phone

Samsung really pulled out the stops this year In terms of innovation, and one of the most unusual handsets in its lineup is the Blue Earth, which the company bills as “the first solar-powered full-touch phone.” It has a solar panel on the back and comes with a couple of eco-conscious applications, including an eco-walk calculator that uses a built-in pedometer to figure out how many steps you’ve taken–and then calculates how much CO2 emission you’ve saved by walking instead of driving.

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The Blue Earth is made from recycled PCM plastic, extracted from water bottles, and (according to Samsung) is “free from harmful substances such as Brominated Flame Retardant, Beryllium and Phthalate.” Kind of makes you wonder whether the rest of the phones we use typically have this evil-sounding stuff in them.

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A Note About Circuit City

We learned today that Circuit City is reselling PC-Doctor Service Center kits and pieces of kits through its liquidators. Unfortunately, this violates our software license agreement with Circuit City, which expressly prohibits resale. Many of these kits are incomplete and non-functional because of missing hardware or media; complete or not, none of the kits are eligible for support.

Please know that we are attempting to contact Circuit City and its liquidators to ask that they pull any PC-Doctor kit, hardware or media from their stores’ shelves.

It is our sincere hope that you read this message before any purchase of a PC-Doctor kit, hardware or media from Circuit City or its liquidators. If you do, we strongly recommend that you not purchase any PC-Doctor kit, hardware or media from Circuit City or its liquidators for the reasons cited above.
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If you already have purchased, our advice is to return to the store, tell the local manager that the software agreement prohibited resale, and ask for a return of your money. We recognize that Circuit City and its liquidators have said all sales are final, but our hope is they will relent since the sale was expressly prohibited in the first place.

Finally, for those who purchased the unauthorized kit, hardware or media but are interested in a complete and up-to-date version of the software, please call Kim Seymour at 775-336-4025. We’re both innocent parties in this situation, but we want you as our customer and are working on a program to help us both.

Palm OS Hits the End of the Road

PCWorld – Palm has pulled the plug on its Palm OS operating system.

Instead, the company will bet its future on its newly unveiled but still mysterious Palm webOS, built to power the new Pre smartphone, according to company CEO Ed Colligan, who spoke Wednesday at an investor conference in San Francisco.

The current Centro smartphone will be the last to use the Palm OS. “There will be no more Palm OS products,” Colligan said. “We will transition to webOS as our core OS, in addition to supporting Microsoft Windows products in the enterprise segment of the market.”

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Colligan brushed aside questions about speculation that Apple might file a lawsuit charging that the Pre’s mult-touch interface infringes on Apple patents.

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Organize Your Life Across All Your Devices With Evernote

PCWorld – For many years, I have been searching for a solution to the problem of how to carry electronic notes with me. You’d think there would be a number of these, but each one I’ve tried has always lacked something important, usually ease of use and simplicity.

In my small business life, I often have to refer to various (and ever-changing) small pieces of information. I used to write it all down in a small pocket notebook or on file cards but usually managed to lose them. The ideal electronic solution would improve my access to information, as well as protect it from loss.

Here’s what I have been looking for:
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A good solution would allow me to enter a note on my desktop or laptop and keep it automatically synchronized with my other computers and portable devices.

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