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Net Neutrality Debate Spills Over to Broadband Stimulus

PCWorld – Carriers and net neutrality proponents found themselves at odds Monday during a discussion on whether to place strict net neutrality conditions on any broadband network built using economic stimulus money.

Held at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C., Monday, the panel discussion was intended to give the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines for funding companies that pledge to built out broadband networks in underserved areas. The crux of the debate was whether the government should enforce a strict policy of nondiscrimination on networks built with broadband stimulus money.

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101 Great Free Sites and Downloads You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

PCWorld – In these tough times, the notion of free becomes more attractive than ever.

We’ve sifted through the Web to find and test 101 of the best free downloads and services out there. We concentrated on utilities and other helpers that can rev up your smartphone’s performance, streamline your social networking experience, and tame your PC while bending Windows to your will.

Our also list targets great productivity pumpers, security boosters, PC enhancers, and browser builders. But this list isn’t all deadly serious: We also pinpointed the best no-cost ways to find and manage video, and to do much more with your digital photos and music.
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Brits Want Google Street View Shut Down

PCWorld – Privacy watchdogs in the United Kingdom want to close down Google Street View, only days after the service was launched in the country. Google has already received hundreds of requests to take down photos of various areas in the U.K. and could even face legal actions.

Launched on March 19, Google Street View U.K. brings 360-degree views of roads and homes from 25 British towns and cities. Just like the popular U.S. version of the service, Street View U.K. includes photographs of millions of residential houses, cars, and people.

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Expression Web SuperPreview Allows Simultaneous Cross-Browser Testing

InfoQ – Expression Web SuperPreview allows developers to render web pages in different browsers simultaneously to detect layout issues. SuperPreview will be available as a standalone version as well as integrated into Expression Web. The standalone version will be made available for free and a trial version is available for download today, named Expression Web SuperPreview for Windows Internet Explorer.

About the same time as this new product was made available, Microsoft published an article describing the product and the motivation for creating it:

Today’s browser wars make the late 90’s look like a minor skirmish. In addition to Firefox and IE, we’ve got multi-platform versions of Safari, Opera, Chrome, and a wealth of mobile phone browsers. In addition, there are multiple versions of all these browsers, many of which have different rendering idiosyncrasies (I’m talkin’ about you, IE6/7/8).

They continue by listing common problems web developers have today:

It could be caused by some physical factors visit for more canadian generic viagra such as high blood pressure, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, vascular disease etc. We usually fail to see that pills are only good for name sake but not for curing mastercard generic viagra purpose. You need to check complete information of this medicine from doctor to prevent from getting affected by different sexual problems and erectile dysfunction always tops online cialis More Discounts the list. The entertainer’s largest moment was during the period of Thriller when his attorney John Branca negotiated what he proudly declared afterward in the cute-n-tiny.com levitra online music industry, approximately $2 per record ever as the royalty rate that is best. Most browsers can’t have multiple versions installed side-by-side. The newest version replaces older versions. So, you can’t have IE6 and IE7 on the same machine (unless you’re using virtual machines or unstable registry hacks).

Many browsers support both Mac and Windows. Devs want to test in (at least) Mac Safari, which doesn’t render the same as Safari on Windows.

The ergonomics of browser testing is awkward. Many devs load their site on a staging server and have a battery of machines running different browsers. They have to manually load a page in each machine and then walk to each individual machine to compare the different monitors.

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Trends for Architectures that Provide Value for Business in Challenging Year of 2009

InfoQ – The beginning of the year is often conducive to formulating predictions about the most significant trends to expect in the coming year. Along with a discussion about programming languages predictions that took place on Lambda the Ultimate, a number of other posts popped up trying to outline trends for IT industry, web and enterprise software development.

Samuel Greengard tried back in November 2008 to outline what technologies he expects to help companies improving efficiency and effectiveness in challenging crisis times of 2009. Many of these trends are closely linked to the expansion of Web, and of Web 2.0 in particular:

Expansion of SaaS beyond traditional business applications due, for instance to cloud computing;

Increasing mobility thanks to wireless technology;

Virtualization and portability of data to support mobility but also to cut storage costs;
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Social networking on top of Web 2.0 tools that “has become a way […] to leverage enterprise knowledge, customer-based business intelligence and more”;

Web and video collaboration that are expected to be adopted by a majority of companies by the end of 2010.

Even though Greengard also mentions some trends that are less directly related to Web, i.e. security, risk and compliance issue, document management and e-discovery as well as project management concerns, he highlights that we are moving towards “an increasingly Web-centric [and connectivity dependent] computing model” since Web 2.0 provides tools “making it easier to manage data, tasks and business processes” and “further enabling mobility and more seamless access to pertinent information”.

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