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PowerPoint Hell: Don’t Let This Happen to Your Next Presentation

PCWorld – In the “so bad it’s good” category, we honor eight PowerPoint slides that will make you say, “Holy $#@%, What were they thinking?”

Bill Gates in the Clouds

PowerPoint slides are there to help presenters solidify the point they are trying to make — not to confuse the audience with tons of logos, computing hardware images and arrows pointing here, there and everywhere. Bill, let us guess: You’re alluding to “cloud computing”? Experts universally say: Keep the images to a minimum (like, one image per slide) and keep the text as brief as possible.
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Snooze Scale: ZZZZ (Bill, you should know better.)

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The Best Media-Friendly Storage Devices

PCWorld – Iogear Portable Media Server Player GMD2025U120

The Windows-only Iogear Portable Media Player GMD2025U120 is a small, self-contained, non-networkable external 2.5-inch hard drive that you attach to your PC’s USB port, copy media files onto, and then attach to your TV or other display to render them. It lacks an HDMI output, but you can hook it up via component or composite jacks on a TV.

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Google Rolls out Semantic Search Capabilities

PCWorld – Google has given its Web search engine an injection of semantic technology, as the search leader pushes into what many consider the future of search on the Internet.

The new technology will allow Google’s search engine to identify associations and concepts related to a query, improving the list of related search terms Google displays along with its results, the company announced in an official blog on Tuesday.

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Giz Explains: How a Brainy Worm Might Jack the World’s PCs on April 1

Gizmodo – It’s lurking in millions of PCs around the world. It’s incredibly sophisticated and resilient, with built-in p2p and digital code-signing technology. It revels in killing security software. On April 1, the Conficker worm will activate.

The scariest thing about the Conficker worm is that literally millions of infected Windows PCs could be linked together to do its bidding. The second scariest thing is that no one really knows what its creator is going to do with this virtual army on April 1, when it’s scheduled to contact a server for instructions. It’s so bad, Microsoft has a running $250,000 bounty for the author, dead or alive. (Well, they probably want him alive, but they hate his guts.)

The New York Times’ John Markoff rounded up some of the more ingeniously evil possibilities in a compelling article, the most sinister being a “Dark Google,” postulated by University of California at San Diego researcher Stefan Savage, that would let bad people scour zombie machines all around the world for data to sell to other bad people.

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The B release, pushed in December, on the other hand, was “wildly successful,” says Weafer, infecting millions of unpatched computers because it’s an aggressive little bastard—the first worm in years on a scale like Blaster. It has built-in p2p capabilities, and brute forces its way into open shared folders or printers, so it can crawl an office network quickly. It also piggybacks onto USB flash and hard drives. On top of all that, it’s designed to be incredibly resilient, killing security software, disabling Windows Update, and digging down deep.

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How Google Routes Around Outages

datacenterknowledge.com – Making changes to Google’s search infrastructure is akin to “changing the tires on a car while you’re going at 60 down the freeway,” according Urs Holzle, who oversees the company’s massive data center operations. Google updates its software and systems on an ongoing basis, usually without incident. But not always. On Feb. 24 a bug in the software that manages the location of Google’s data triggered an outage in Gmail, the widely-used webmail component of Google Apps.

Just a few days earlier, Google’s services remained online during a power outage at a third-party data center near Atlanta where Google hosts some of its many servers. Google doesn’t discuss operations of specific data centers. But Holzle, the company’s Senior Vice President of Operations and a Google Fellow, provided an overview of how Google has engineered its system to manage hardware failures and software bugs. Here’s our Q-and-A:

Data Center Knowledge: Google has many data centers and distributed operations. How do Google’s systems detect problems in a specific data center or portion of its network?
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Urs Holzle: We have a number of best practices that we suggest to teams for detecting outages. One way is cross monitoring between different instances. Similarly, black-box monitoring can determine if the site is down, while white-box monitoring can help diagnose smaller problems (e.g. a 2-4% loss over several hours). Of course, it’s also important to learn from your mistakes, and after an outage we always run a full postmortem to determine if existing monitoring was able to catch it, and if not, figure out how to catch it next time.

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