PC-Doctor, Inc. is the global leader in PC and Android system health, and contextual messaging — offering the most comprehensive set of diagnostic, system information and software tools available. Our system health products optimize product quality, support, and service for the computer user, generating demonstrable savings for our customers. Several of the world’s largest PC manufacturers are our clients, and they load tens of millions of copies of our software on their systems every year.
Our products are acknowledged by industry leaders as the de facto standard for diagnostic solutions used by manufacturers, support organizations, repair facilities, and end users
Established in 1993 and headquartered in Reno, Nevada, PC-Doctor is a privately owned, closely held company with no debt and no outside capital. Unlike many companies in this industry, we emphasize stability and reliability. You will find a company focused on engineering, customer support, and long-term agreements with the largest manufacturers in the industry.
PC-Doctor has accumulated a vast library of intellectual property, including multiple patents that the company deploys in products and services across the PC life-cycle. Today, more than three-quarters of the company’s people are employed in software development, quality assurance, and customer-facing roles, underscoring the PC-Doctor commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.
Our Customers
Manufacturers of PCs and similar devices face competitive challenges on two broad fronts: fierce price competition that limits the top line, and customer support and service costs that can erode the bottom line.
In 2010 US PC OEMs paid out warranty claims equating to 2.6% of their sales revenue or slightly under $5 billion as reported in the April 2011 edition of Warranty Week. OEMs have been highly aggressive over the years in reducing warranty costs by combating the problem at multiple levels — pushing the cost burden back on component vendors, increasing product quality, shortening warranties and reducing claims cost overhead. For two decades, PC-Doctor has provided essential products built on engineering excellence in hardware diagnostics — products that have been key in this cost reduction.
We help OEMs diagnose specific hardware failures to assist end-users in self-repair, automate RMAs, and identify trends in component failures — increasing product quality by reducing Out Of Box Failures (OOBFs), and lowering support costs by reducing No Trouble Found (NTF) returns. Our factory and repair product lines provide our customers with superior hardware diagnostics to improve quality, and the ability to automate and streamline processes to decrease costs.
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The Product Families
PC-Doctor’s product families are relied upon by leading manufacturers of PCs and PC-based products as well as major industry service providers. Key to the company’s success is a uniform nucleus of diagnostic tests and system information tools — called the Modular Core Technology (MCT™) — that delivers diagnostic consistency and continuity across the design, manufacturing, support, and service phases of the PC life-cycle.
PC-Doctor diagnostics are delivered in these product families:
OEM Solutions — Preinstalled on individual systems by manufacturers, resellers, warranty providers and others, these products create a first line of defense against the unnecessary return of no-trouble-found hardware, reducing support costs and driving aftermarket revenue. Learn more…
Intelligent Messaging Services (IMS) — Our IMS Solutions deliver highly contextual support and marketing messages to improve and enhance the PC user experience, reduce support costs, and drive aftermarket revenue. In addition to the client application, cloud infrastructure and integration services, we offer operational services to create, publish and manage messages globally.
Factories/High-Volume Repair Solutions — These hardware diagnostics are the gold standard for high-volume operations that make, repair and refurbish PCs and Android devices, reducing out-of-box-failures and improving first-time-fix rates. Learn more…
Computer Repair Technician Tool Kits — Our five-star rated diagnostic repair tool kits are used on the bench and on the road by repair organizations both large and small — shortening PC diagnostic time and reducing parts usage. Learn more…
Consumer/End-User Solutions — These tools monitor key hardware and software components to keep the consumer computer running at its best. Learn more…