Computers are supposed to make our lives easier, but everyone once in a while finds themselves doing repetitive tasks on a monitor screen. Well, aren’t computers designed to take care of that?
By learning a scripting language you can easily make a computer do the tedious work for you and more! Here is a list of 6 more reasons to learn a scripting language, even if you are not a programmer.

  1. It will let you automate repetitive tasks. This is definitely the biggest selling point. As I said before, computers are supposed to do the tedious work for us and by using a scripting language we can easily give commands to our emotionless servants in a language they understand.
  2. They are simple to learn. If you are already a programmer, many scripting languages closely resemble the syntax of your favorite compiled language (small investment, big returns). If you are not a programmer, scripting languages are usually and very good introduction into the world of programming (medium investment, big returns).
  3. Write it and run it. Who doesn’t like instant gratification? When you write a script you don’t necessarily have to transform it into machine code to run it. No compile, no wait, just run, right away. This of course carries a small performance penalty, but if you are after ultimate performance by using a script, then you are probably looking in the wrong place.
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  5. Most of them are free. Very inexpensive price of admission. No try before you buy, just use it and still have the peace of mind that it will always be yours.
  6. Community and commercially supported. Some people are very passionate about their scripting language. If you have one close to you, he’ll be more than happy to answer your questions. If you don’t have one around, you can always find them at Internet forum flame wars defending their scripting language of choice. If you still can’t find one, you can always find a company that will give you commercial support. Just make sure to read the manual before you even start looking.
  7. It will make you stronger. Having another weapon on your arsenal can only benefit you. Or at least give you bragging rights.

So now you have all the reasons to start learning a scripting language. Which one should you pick? I’ll look at different ones next time to help you decide which one is right for you.