Author Topic: pcdrcui.exe  (Read 20985 times)


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While on the computer this evening I received this message:  pcdrcui.exe  Please insert a disk into drive.  \Device\Harddisk1|DR1  This is my mom's p.c. and she does not understand why I received it.  This is the first time PC Doctor has showed on this computer.  I used the uninstall from windows to uninstall it.  This window still came up.  Can I get some help?  Thank You 

Offline James_PCD

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    • PC-Doctor, Inc
Hello Jam61,

Could you please take a screen shot of the error message you are receiving, as I have not come across that message.

Also, in order to better assist you, could you please provide me with some log files? 
To obtain the log files follow the steps below:

Win 7 and Vista:
1.  Press the Windows key + the R key to open the run window
2.  Type %programdata% in the run window
3.  Open the PCDr folder
4.  There should be at least one folder, for example 5907, in this directory.  Open the folder that matches the last version of DSC you had on the system.  If unsure, go with the most recent.  Open the folder.
5.  Right click on the logs folder and click send to compressed (zipped) folder.
6.  Send those files to me in a private message through the forums.

Win Xp:
1.  Double click the my computer icon on the desktop or in the start menu
2.  Double click the C: drive
3.  Double click on Documents and Settings
4.  Double click on All Users
5.  Double click on Application Data
6.  Double click on the PCDr folder
7.  There should be at least one folder, for example 5907, in this directory.  Open the folder that matches the last version of DSC you had on the system.  If unsure, go with the most recent.  Open the folder.
8.  Right click on the logs folder and click send to compressed (zipped) folder.
9.  Send those files to me in a private message through the forums.

I will post here once I receive them.

Thank you,

"May the dog of simplicity lift its leg on the lamp post of progress"