Author Topic: PC Doctor Blue parallel port  (Read 4666 times)

Offline stormancer

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Hi, may I ask, if the USB device is damaged, are we able to run up the PC-Doctor in DOS mode using Parallel to USB port connector with the supplied Blue 25pins parallel port loop-back adapter?   ???

-I am using PC Doctor Service Center 7.5
-My testing is only required to be in DOS mode on machines bootup without going into OS.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 07:32:49 pm by stormancer »

Offline fwilson

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stormancer ,

Yes you can, you just need to make sure the parallel port is set up in BIOS in ECP mode.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline fwilson

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I apologize, I misread your post.

USB to Parallel port adapters will not work, I know I've tried.  These devices seem to depend upon Windows to function. 

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts