Author Topic: CPU Stress Test Abnormal Exit  (Read 8725 times)

Offline whopperman

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When I run the CPU stress test, I get an abnormal exit error on the CPU part (every time), and the system usually freezes during the memory part.  It also usually fails the multicore test on the other CPU test, but all the other CPU tests pass, and the other components pass.

I've been getting a lot of BSOD's (happening faster once the system has gotten to normal running temperature), and while I can't track down the specific cause in debugging, it shows that it's probably hardware.  Am I correct in assuming the CPU is pretty likely to be the culprit?  Or is the abnormal exit something unrelated?

I appreciate any input anyone might have on this.

Offline fwilson

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There is a small chance that the abend during the CPU test is being caused by bad memory.  This is made slightly more likely due to the memory test hang you have seen.

I would first try to replace the RAM.  If there is more than one stick of memory switch them around and retest.

CPUs going bad is a rare event but it does happen.  Before you declare it a loss try reseating the CPU, remove heat sink and CPU from the socket.  Replace with new thermal compound.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts