Author Topic: Problems Saving testlog?  (Read 3985 times)

Offline TimRod

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Hello yes i am new to using this tool wondering if anybody can help me on how to save my testlog to the usb key cause i save it but it doesnt show once i plug my usb key to my pc to print please help

Offline fwilson

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You are most likely not saving it to the Key but to the ram drive or hard disk, I have done this myself a number of times.

Boot from the key and exit to DOS, note the drive letter you are at, this will be your ram drive. Change drives and do a dir to find your USB keys assigned drive, it may be different from machine to machine. Then go back to your ram drive and type pcdr, This will start up PCDR.  Run your tests then press F3 to save the log, type the drive and path in the box i.e. c:\testlog.txt .

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts