Vista specially conserved mac and ip addresses for vista only as SFC NIC or IANA , they are how to be managed for the storage and applicant, principle is UNABLE modified the DUID detected mac with dhcpv6 WHEN the hardware changed , such as motherboard here ?
The vista ipconfig as having dhcpv4 and dhcpv6 both servers fetching IPs and on.from different interface mac of motherboard, looks just as the IPv6_DUID synchronized with IANA the root record when am using physical mac with me is not being at the root of the association ?
To get this "correct" , modified the DUID mac same with IPv4 physical running mac, well this makes the Microsoft \ Access \ Network displaying two computers icon less over four totally ? That naturally implying the mac of IPv6 , a replaced ether mac , has being connected with a network and recognized two mac addresses , meanwhile two else computers having been recognized on the IPv4 with another network ?
In this case, shall not modify both mac address either physical running or IANA remembered mac and having both them via this vista ? In that situation , would have had gotten the speed lower as 20% bandwidth and a lots of error improper networking... ?
Vista :// -> windows [Oct. 26 2016 w8pw10p 042]
SC10.5 reported TCP/IP report msg: "No internet, contact ISP , blocked firewall" that router having blocked as many none related IPs 192.168.b1 (b2, b3, b4).xx nothing beyond ?
[screenshot unable to be posted Oct. 27 2016 w7uw10p 042]
By PC-Doctor 10.5 srv ctr. detected , LCMP blocked the personal router@cisco Internet. Getting Intranet .
Modem.isp years' would not manually updated the routerring service unless using isp service of routerring [when ISP won't allow client to do any vpn , firewall settings] and no second mac.modem offered for the personal-router conflicting the mac address at wan port? This sounds there are nowhere can be put this case to be traced.