Author Topic: Pci express error  (Read 4841 times)

Offline llstupid

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 The pci express status test failed and I got error WPE01-JMR. What does this mean?

Offline PCD_Channing

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What version of PC-Doctor are you using when you are experiencing this error? What type of machine (make and model) are you experiencing this error on? Please let us know.


Offline llstupid

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I got the pc doctor for individuals off of amazon.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3
Intel Corporation DZ77GA-70K
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

Offline PCD_Channing

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I understand you purchased the software through Amazon. Can you tell me if it is Service Center or Toolbox? Which version of the product?


Offline llstupid

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PC-Doctor Toolbox for Windows 6.0.6169.101

Offline PCD_Channing

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Thank you for the additional information. It appears you are utilizing an older version of the Toolbox software. I would recommend updating it and re-testing. Unfortunately I could not find an order linked to the email address you have on file. I have sent you a personal message asking for some additional information. Please reply to me at your earliest convenience so we can get Toolbox up to date on your end.


Offline llstupid

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Downloaded the newest update, ran the scan again, and I got the same error. Do I need to get a new motherboard?

Offline PCD_Channing

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I don't necessarily believe that the motherboard is failing based upon this error message. I would like to gather some more detailed logs from your system. This will allow me to look deeper into the issue. Please follow the process outlined below to obtain these logs:

1. Open Run
(For Windows XP)
a. Click the Start button
b. Click on the Run option

(For Windows 7)
a. Click the Start Button
b. Type Run in the Search box
c. Click on Run

(For Windows 8/10)
a. If not on the desktop, click the desktop icon
b. Move the mouse cursor to the lower left corner of the desktop
c. Right click to bring up menu options
d. Click on Run

2.Type "%programfiles%" (Including the % and without the quotes)
3.Open the "PC-Doctor Toolbox for Windows" folder
4.Right click on an empty space and select "New" and then "Folder
5.Name the folder you created "logs" (without quotes)
(Leave this window open, we will have to come back to it)

To enable debug logs:
1. Open a Command prompt as Admin (In the same location as Run)
2. Navigate to the installed directory (by typing "cd" followed by the location where PC-Doctor Toolbox for Windows is installed. Make certain to put a space after "cd".)
(cd C:\Program Files\PC-Doctor Toolbox for Windows)
3. Enter the command "pcdrcui.exe -enabledebuglogs" (without quotes)
(Note: Leave the Command Prompt open, we will need it later)

Once you have done this go ahead and use the software just as you had before, this will create the logs that we need.

To prepare the logs that we just created:
1. Bring up the "PC-Doctor Toolbox for Windows" window that we left open
2. Right click on the "logs" folder that we created
3. Select "Send To"
4. Select "Compressed(zipped) folder"
(Be sure to delete this folder after you are done)

Then please follow these steps to obtain the program logs:

1. Open Run (Same as before)
2. Type "%programdata%" (Including the % and without the quotes)
3. Open the "PCDr" folder
4. Open the folder "<ENTER BUILD #>"
5. Right click on the "logs" folder
6. Select "Send To"
7. Select "Compressed(zipped) folder"
(Please name the zipped file "" to avoid confusion)

Once all of these folders have been compressed, you can send them in to us via email at support[at] or upload them to this forum post. We will take a look at these files and attempt to find out why you are having this problem.
(Please let me know if any of the files are too large to email.)

Once that is done we can go ahead and disable the logs:
1. Go back to the Command Prompt that we had used earlier
2. Enter the command "pcdrcui.exe -disabledebuglogs" (without quotes)

I will await your reply.
