Hello rhrtech,
I have a few questions to ask, so that I can better understand the issue you are experiencing:
I am having a tough time with HP's. I run the quick test and it shows no error on Pegatron and other HP motherboards.
[jb] What is the name and version of the pc-doctor product that you are using to test the systems?
However, I know something is wrong because it wont detect the hard drives, or any drives. I changed the drives, and still the same issue.
[jb] You have systems where the drives (HDD and/or ODD) are not displayed in a PC-Doctor product? Are the drives in question displayed in the BIOS?
When nothing is plugged in, the system boots up fine. On another HP, I did the quick tests and everything came out fine. However, the system stalls on BIOS code 33 every other boot.
[jb] You indicated that when nothing is plugged in the system boots up fine, what where you referring to as "plugged in"
You indicated a BIOS code of 33 being displayed. We do not manage BIOS codes, as they are managed and updated by the manufacturers. We recommend using BIOSCentral <http://www.bioscentral.com/> to look up the vendor specific codes.