Author Topic: Booting from pc unable to see usb dongle  (Read 5836 times)

Offline tdcoy

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I am working on an old pentium 4 sony vaio laptop running windows xp and using a new pc doctor dongle (7.5) a long with a version 7.5 boot cd as well.  The complication is that the bios of this laptop does not support booting from the usb.  So I popped in the boot cd provided with the pc doctor tool kit and now it displays a message informing me that it cannot recognize the "Multipurpose USB Device" to run this device.  I have tried both usb pc-doctor dongles that we have (both of which work on other machines) and every usb port on the laptop.  Be it that all of the ports have gone bad or something else has gone abroad.

So my question is:
What way, other than the media disk and usb drive can I run pc doctor on this thing?
Or what is causing this issue?

Offline fwilson

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If there is a Parallel port in the system, PCDR DOS, booted from the CD will lock to the blue parallel port loopback connector provided with your kit.

On some systems the USB subsystem is not initialized fully during POST, it waits for windows to load and take over the USB functions.  Sometimes playing around with USB settings in BIOS can lead to success.


“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline tdcoy

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Yea, I was informed by a coworker that I needed to use the blue parallel port thing. 

Thanks for the quick response.

Offline fwilson

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Glad you got it worked out.  Thanks for being a customer.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts