Author Topic: DELL SUPPORT 3.0 - Powered by PC Doctor?  (Read 152389 times)

Offline ChalkDust

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If i am wrong, please do rectify me. I downloaded this updated support center for my Dell Studio Series Laptop last night. It is mentioned there as Powered By PC-Doctor.
If i am not mistaken, you guys would be able to answer my question cause nothing from Dell people helped me on the issue.
Lately i have been suffering with an on-going overheating issue with my laptop.
My CPU - INTEL i5 CPU M 540 @ 2.53GHZ, 4.00 GB Memory DDR3 !!
If you need anything more specific, please do let me know.

I ran the test on this new support center which consists of a number of diagnostics ranging from Hard Drive Tests to System Boards Tests.
My PC passed each test with flying colors, leaving the MultiCore Test .. where it showed a WARNING.And the following message appeared :

The Hardware is not functioning properly. To correct the problem:
•   Turn off the system.
•   Detach the power cord and wait for one minute.
•   Re-attach the power cord and re-boot the system.
•   Re-run the test.

I tried, but in vain? .. Contacted Dell Support, they have no idea about it whatsoever.
I searched on dell forums .. one another users had same issue but no one replied to him.

so, here i am. Seeking your help and guidance. What does Multicore warning or not functioning properly means? It has something to do with over heating of laptop?
And how to resolve it?
I'll appreciate the reply and reactions to my post.

Thanks !!

Offline fwilson

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The MultiCore test writes data to each core, while monitoring each cores utilization.  The Dell build is set to throw a warning if the utilization reaches 60%.  This is what is happening to your system.

You should make sure there are no process running in the background, Virus scans, indexing etc.  This can cause the utilization to go above 60% on a core even without the test running.

Heat could also be a factor, when Intel chips get too hot they don't shut down they start clocking themselves down so they run cooler.  Make sure there are not any dust bunnies in any of the vent slots, using canned air regularly is a good idea.  Make sure the system is being used on a hard surface so proper air circulation is maintained underneath the unit. Sitting it on a pillow on your lap or comforter can cause overheating, I found this out the hard way with a family "tech support" situation.

Make sure it's cool and their are no background processes running and let me know what the results are. We'll take it from there.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline muziclova90

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Hi, I am having some trouble with the updated Dell support center as well (& of course with no help). I had it installed on my Inspiron 1545 laptop on 12/14, & everytime I attempt to run the PC-Checkup, it gets to the 3rd test in the 1st section & overpowers my laptop. Then when I try to click anywhere on the screen, my whole computer freezes which causes me to have to manually shut it down. Can anyone please help me with this issue? Thank you so much

Offline fwilson

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What test is this specifically?  I don't want to get it wrong.
What do you mean by overpowers your laptop? Does it freeze or become unresponsive?

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline sobarber

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I have also had a problem with DELL SUPPORT CENTER 3.0 and have had to uninstall it.
A process called pcdrcui.exe starts up and consumes large amounts of CPU  send something out over HTTP using a POST to the URL It appears to be 4098 bytes of something (I have not had a chance to capture it yet).

Why this is happening, I don't know, but I can't allow it to go on, so DELL SUPPORT CENTER 3.0 on my Dell systems is now no more.

If there is a fix, I can consider reinstalling it, but for now I really need to use my computer, not have it madly trying to send something out over the Internet.

Offline fwilson

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Dell support Center communicates with the server in the cloud.  This is so the pcdrcui (the GUI program) can download any messages or information that may be posted by dell for your particular system.

If you have this blocked by a firewall or some other such program it will continue to try assuming there is a connectivity problem.  This would be causing the issue you are describing.

You can turn feature off from the settings (the little gear icon in the top bar) and then personalization (the third or fourth tab).  There are two checkboxes one, I agree to send data and the other I agree to receive data.  Uncheck both of these and PC-Doctor will stop trying to communicate.

You should consider leaving these on or at least turning them on occasionally.  This two way communication allows Dell to receive non user specific information about how the system is doing from the scans and be more proactive in case a certain model of machine is exhibiting problems.  It also allows you to receive information from Dell about BIOS and driver updates that are applicable and recommended for you system.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline muziclova90

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Hi, sorry i havent been on in so long. Still havent trouble trying to run the PC-Checkup. When it gets to the 3rd test in the 1st section my whole computer freezes up & stops responding which causes me to have to manually shut it down.

Offline fwilson

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What test is this specifically?  Are they CPU tests?

If you skip these tests do the other ones complete as expected?

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline muziclova90

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It pretty much gets to the 3rd hardware test & becomes unresponsive. I havent done a Custom Scan to choose certain tests, but im pretty sure its during the hardware tests.

Offline fwilson

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What OS are you running?

You may want to try uninstalling it and then reinstalling something may have gone awry last time.

Save the file to your desktop.  uninstall, reboot install.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline muziclova90

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Ok then, I kinda thought about doing that, but wasnt sure it it'd work for me  :'( . Thanks so much!

Offline fwilson

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reinstalling is always worth a shot.  ;).

Please let me know the outcome.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts