Author Topic: hdd test,error code: BIOHD-4  (Read 42892 times)

Offline jason-zhao

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a new hp pc,when I do the test,the cpu and memory test is passed.
but the hdd test show that boot path is failed ,error code is BIOHD-4.

which cause this error? what is mean of "boot path"?

pls responds my request asap, many thanks.

Offline fwilson

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Normally, you would need to contact HP for Technical Support. As a courtesy, we are addressing your issue. PC-Doctor cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to your computer for providing you with the following information. Please follow these steps only if you accept responsibility for any damages that may result. As a reminder, please back up any important information.

An installation of Quicktime or Itunes may cause PC-Doctor to become unable to load due to a broken classpath.  To find and edit the CLASSPATH variable, follow these steps:

1) Open the Control Panel. This can be found in the Start Menu. Double click on the System icon; this should open the "System Properties" dialog.

2) Select the Advanced tab; at the very bottom of the tab will be an "Environment Variables" button.

3) Click on the "Environment Variables" button to open the "Environment Variables" dialog.

4) Look for the CLASSPATH variable in the "System Variables" frame.  Select the CLASSPATH variable and click on the Edit button; an "Edit System Variable" window will open.

5) Edit the variable value by adding a semicolon at the end of the line. The value should be something like this before you edit it: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\ext\ It will look like this after you edit it: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\ext\;

6) Select "OK" in the "Edit System Variable" dialog.

7) Select "OK" in the "Environment Variables" dialog.

8 ) Select "OK" in the "System Properties" dialog.

9) Now attempt to run your PC-Doctor product again.

If this is not successful, then please try reinstalling PC-Doctor.   If PC-Doctor was pre-installed on your computer, the manufacturer probably provided you with recovery CDs, a mechanism to create recovery CDs, or a recovery program on the computer. Follow the instructions that came with your computer to reinstall PC-Doctor. If you have the original PC-Doctor installation files, simply run the Setup program. The latest code may also be downloaded from your OEMs website.

NOTE: To ensure your computer includes the program, perform steps 3 through 5 of the following procedure. If the Recovery Manager program is listed in the PC Help & Tools folder, your computer includes the program.

NOTE: Do not use the Recovery Manager program to reinstall software programs that came on CDs or DVDs included in the computer box. Reinstall these programs directly from the CDs or DVDs.

NOTE: Do not skip this last step. You must restart the computer when you are finished recovering software programs or hardware drivers.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 09:07:52 am by fwilson »
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline cris2for

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I had the same error on my new HP. It boots up to desk top but the cursor wont move. I cant do the fix you have suggested. Do you have any suggestions for me to fix the problem?

Offline fwilson

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Please call HP support.  They will be able to help you fix the issue.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline Rectalia

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I have had this same issue. I have been through 4 brand new HP computers and all displayed the same error right out of the box. I even had one of the stores try it on one and they got the same error...right out of the box. HP is no help. I just installed the new, replacement hard drive they sent and it displayed the failure the first time I ran diagnostics. There is obviously some sort of issue going on between PC Doctor and HP. Is someone going to do anything about this?

Offline fwilson

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What are the HP models you are seeing this 0n?

When you say you have the same issue are you saying the system will not boot up all the way or that you are receiving the BIOHD-4 error.

Please be specific as to the models and errors you are receiving. If you are running a Service Center build or the HP OEM build preloaded on the machine. Also if the same behavior is seen in both DOS and Windows tests.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 09:58:46 am by fwilson »
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline guppy

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Greetings from a new guy.

I got an HP 6720 desktop that had a hard drive that crashed.

I put in a new hard drive (1tb) and am having problems running the recovery disks (that is a whole different issue).  So I ran the hard drive check and got this error.

How would I get this message on a brand new drive (unless its bad too)?

Offline fwilson

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The error that you are experiencing can be one of two issues.
1) The boot partition of the hard drive is damaged. 
2) The SATA modes in the BIOS have been changed from the default setting.

Please contact HP support for additional information regarding this error and how to recover your system properly with a new hard drive.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline guppy

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Thanks Fred.

It only took me an hour on the phone to get a recovery CD from HP so I can't imagine how long this next call will take. 

Offline fwilson

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Try changing the SATA mode as stated in number 2 on my earlier post. 
XP is usually IDE mode
Vista and Win 7 AHCI mode.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline guppy

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The hard drive ended up being fine.  It was a problem with the cable that connects from the drive to the system board. 

Offline fwilson

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Glad to hear you got it sorted out.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts