Author Topic: addcertificate  (Read 7566 times)

Offline emmjay

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I received an auto download when I started my PC yesterday and I was wondering if it was from PC Doctor?  addcertificate.exe   If so, what is it?

NB: I did not have PC Doctor opened at the time. I have installed updates from the appl. in the past so if it is from PC Doctor, why would it auto-download without my permission? I am on W7/32.

If it is not from PC Doctor, please let me know. Tnx in advance.

Offline fwilson

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No this is not from PC-Doctor.

I would be highly suspect of any exe program that is autodownloaded. You should scan it for virus' and malware before you use it.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline emmjay

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Thank you very much for responding. I have not been able to find out anything about this exe and I am glad to hear that it is not from PC Doctor (especially since it is an auto-download). Fortunately my system is sandboxed and the exe is trapped in the sandbox and should do no harm while there. I shall continue my search for its origin.

Offline fwilson

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Thanks for the update, good luck in your search.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline emmjay

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I have found the origin of this exe with the help of a poster at GISMOs freeware forum. The poster(goes by the name Scope) suggested a registry search and there it was in appupdater.exe in C:/...AppData/Roaming/PCDR/etc...

It is pointing to PCDr. The light came on when the poster asked me if I had a Dell.  My PC is a Lenovo Thinkpad and one of the value add programs is PC Doctor. I assume Lenovo sent the exe. and I guess it is an update reminder...though addcertificate is a strange name for it (caused me great anxiety!!!). Tnx again for your time.

Offline fwilson

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You are correct, it is a PC-Doctor file.  It is used to install a certificate.  It is a relatively new addition which is why I did not recognize it. It is safe to execute as all of the programs downloaded by appupdater are checked before they are executed to ensure they are the original files.

PC-Doctor can update itself periodically. If auto updating is undesirable, you can turn it off in the options section and update manually.

Thanks for posting back and for being a customer.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline emmjay

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Tnx Fred for getting back to me on this. It is very much appreciated.

Offline fwilson

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You are most welcome.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts