Thanks fwilson,
How do I get PC Dr to boot straight to DOS mode looking at the root location which contains our batch file? at least then I can simply type "go" etc and run the batch,
and, would you mind, so that I have the best relative reference, indicate what each string in this batch is doing? at least then I know what pieces to pick and play with?
@echo off
echo Running Overlay 1
pcdr /ba:01 /pr:c:\testlog.txt /np
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo Running Overlay 2
pcdr /ba:02 /pr:c:\testlog2.txt /np
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog2.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo Running Overlay 3
pcdr /ba:03 /pr:c:\testlog3.txt /np
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog3.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo All Passed
goto END