Since the Batch file has ultimate control of the process the "smarts" would have to be built into it. You can parse a text file from within a DOS batch file using the findstr command. You could then exit the Batch file if the string FAILED is found in the logfile stopping any further execution. Here is something I cobbled together to do such a thing:
@echo off
echo running 1st script
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo running 2nd script
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog2.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo running 3rd script
findstr /m "FAILED" c:\testlog3.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 goto FAIL
echo All Passed
goto END
This batch file will stop execution if FAILED is found in the referenced text file.
Here is an example of the findstr command: this helps.