Well, you're not as slow as me I'm still confused. At the risk of being terribly redundant. We have systems with COM1 - COM8 with COM1 & COM2 on the motherboard and the rest of them on the SIIG serial cards we are using, one of which is a 4 port card. PC-Doctor does not see COM3 & COM4 (ie. they are not visible from either Script Editor or the Diagnostics tab). COM5, COM6, & COM8 all test fine in PC-Doctor, however, COM7 comes up as Not Supported even though it is physically on the same board as COM8. COM1 which again is on the motherboard returns Not Supported for the External tests and Cannot Run for the Internal tests.
In DOS the only ports that PC-Doctor sees are COM1 and COM2 so that's really not an option.
On another note I didn't see anything in the manual regarding running scripts from the command line in Windows. And one more thing, why is the mx number of scripts that can be run 500?