The PCDR USB loop test in service center 6 will use any USB 2.0 compliant device for this test. By default all ports are on. By editing the USBTEST.ini file. The file is pretty well commented.
I usually make the following changes;
I uncomment the above to only test 2 ports (this is done by removing the
, this will test ANY 2 ports with proper device plugged in.
This will set the program to use any standard USB device (thumb drive etc.) for the tests. This is as opposed to the special Red Parallel / USB wrap cable.
Here is the USBTEST.ini file with the changes made
; (C) Copyright 2002-2007 PC-Doctor, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
; SETTINGS SECTION - The following settings apply to all systems
; iPorts: = Number of ports to test (1-2) for USB External Loopback Test
; iDelay: = Wait time between status checks (default = 400ms)
; iRetry: = Number of retries to perform if necessary (default = 4)
; iUsingUsbWrap: 1 = yes; 0 = no, testing for devices only (default = 1)
; szPortMask: Binary mask that indicates which ports to test, or which
; ports are not available for testing.